As in previous posts, regulations/rules and
language, knowledge of market and customers of foreign market, and operations
are key factors in going global yet difficult to overcome.
There is one more thing you cannot simply
ignore – business manners & customs, and culture.
I actually was asked to do an hour
consulting over phone of an American business professional about this last year.
They had set up a joint venture with a Japanese local company and started their
Japan business but were having problems and he concluded it was because of
corporate culture.
He seemed to have tried to understand this
issue by reading some books but decided to have my consultation. From our
conversation he seemed to have been spot on and told me he would immediately take
actions based on my consultation.
The Japanese companies going global also
have the very same issue.
This is one of the topics I have covered in
my two eBooks I wrote, which was published by StartiaLab, a leading Japanese
eBook publisher in November, 2015.
English version: 7 Things to Know to be Successful in Business in
Japanese version: 世界を相手に勝つための教科書 – グローバル社会で事業を拡大する7つの方法と8つの事例