
When Should You Start Thinking Globally for Successful Global Business – Japanese Businesses & MNCs Operating in Japan

You may well start your business locally in your country even if you have a vision of going global in the future. When do you start taking global market into consideration? After your local business starts to mature?

It is natural that you start your business where you are familiar with thus that is what most people do but that is no good.

There are so many things that cannot be “changed/tailored” to make your business change/evolve to something global once you start with something very local.

Brand (including brand name) is just an example. This is why current global companies like Toyota have changed their CI brand from their original one (e.g. from Japanese to English).

Such small change worked for them, but for others they simply had to completely change everything, meaning huge investment/cost and re-building the brand again.

Thinking globally from the early stage is one of the topics I have covered in my two eBooks I wrote, which was published by StartiaLab, a leading Japanese eBook publisher in November, 2015.